Teggs Lane
So the continuing saga of the mural in Teggs Lane,Chippendale.
Kanye kissing Kanye is gone and a copy cat image,but with a different head is noe there.
We now have Kyle kissing Kyle. This one is nowhere near as good as the original one painted by
Scott Marsh , but what do you expect when you pay peanuts and use an ameture.
This is Kanye kissing Kanye.
Paid to paid over Kanye kissing Kanye.
And now Kyle kissing Kyle.
Well I suppose he does love himself , and like Kanye , its all about him , but I personally think
that this could have been done better.
#kanyekissingkanye #kanyeloveskanye #teggslane #chiipendale #zigis #pixelperfect #kylekissingkyle #kyleloveskyle #ameture #notwallart #notstreetart #Sydney