
Showing posts from April, 2021
  Van Gogh has always been an artist I have loved.Late last year I was lucky enough to experience  Van Gogh virtual exhibition in Sydney.It was brilliant.
 Purple shamrocks,thats what i'm calling these.Weeds in the garden.
  We weereable to celebrate St Patricks Day this year.It was very wet and muddy,but who cares.
  It has been over a year and a half since I last posted anything on this site. 2020 was a disaster for most world wide.The pandemic is still affecting everyone in one way or another. Here in Australia we have survived devastating bushfires,then covid-19 hit ,and this year we have also just had once in a life-time rain,and lots of it.Some suburbs that have never been flooded before have nearly been wiped out, I haven't taken many pictures.Work has actually been so busy during all this chaos. Looking out through the window at the rain.