
Showing posts from February, 2019

Steam Mill Lane

Steam Mill Lane is a new part of the Darling Quarter. Its where the carpark next the old entertainment centre use to be. There are more units and places to eat than ever before. I went there on saturday night to hang out with #igerssydney They are a group of intergrammers who meet up and capture moments of our wounderful city. Here are a few of my pictures (attempts at) from that night. I will post more soon-I promise. It was great meeting this wounderful group of very diverse people.I had a great time and made new friends.

Opera House

I do love Sydney Harbour. We have the Opera house and The Harbour Bridge. These two features of Sydney Harbour are why everyone loves the Harbour.(well two of them) Heres some messed up pics of The Opera House.

Chinese New Year

I have been very lazy and busy.I just want to put up some pics I took of all the colourful animals on display around Sydney Harbour for Chinese New Year. I have messed around with them,so they are more than just straight up pictures Enjoy.