
Showing posts from September, 2017


As I have said I love waundering around Rookwood Cemetery.Here are a couple of shots of the cemetery. Enjoy.

Hidden 2017

Hidden is a great sculpture exhibition held at Rookwood cemetery. Rookwood is so big and makes for a great day out.Walking around the old sections has always been something I have always loved doing.Every religion is covered and some of the old and new graves are so amazing.The family vaults are amazing too. Hidden is on every year around this time.Many of the sculptures also exhibit their artwork at Bondi during sculptures by the sea. Enjoy some of my pictures.

Photoshop fun

Well the year is flying by.I have been so busy I haven't had time to add anything here for a while. I have been messing around with some old pictures I have of my grandparents. Its a work in progress. Have a look. I also used a couple of my mum.The little girl and the gorgeous teenager.